Retinol Peeling: Der Geheimtipp für einen strahlenden Teint

Retinol ist eine wirksame Substanz, die in vielen Hautpflegeprodukten verwendet wird, um feine Linien und Falten zu reduzieren, Akne zu behandeln und die Hautstruktur zu verbessern. Eine beliebte Anwendung von Retinol ist das Retinol-Peeling, das eine effektive Möglichkeit ist, um die Hauterneuerung zu fördern und einen gesunden, strahlenden Teint zu erzielen. Was ist ein Retinol-Peeling? … Weiterlesen

Ulrike Herrmann

Ulrike Herrmann comes from a family of doctors, so studying medicine was a natural choice for her. During her second degree at the Danube Private University, she was interested in the aspect of public relations. Therefore, a journalistic traineeship was a logical step. “The communication of medical knowledge, which is essential for self-care to many, … Weiterlesen

Ulrike Herrmann

Ulrike Herrmann comes from a family of doctors, so studying medicine was a natural choice for her. During her second degree at the Danube Private University, she was interested in the aspect of public relations. Therefore, a journalistic traineeship was a logical step. “The communication of medical knowledge, which is essential for self-care to many, … Weiterlesen

Dr. Sarah Johnson

Dr. Sarah Johnson completed her medical degree at the University of Michigan, after which she decided to pursue her passion for health education. She then completed a certification program in health education at the University of California, Berkeley. “Combining my passion for health education with my medical background has allowed me to pursue a career … Weiterlesen

Dr. Sarah Johnson

Dr. Sarah Johnson completed her medical degree at the University of Michigan, after which she decided to pursue her passion for health education. She then completed a certification program in health education at the University of California, Berkeley. “Combining my passion for health education with my medical background has allowed me to pursue a career … Weiterlesen

Manuela Decker

After studying Communication Sciences in Münster, Manuela Decker wrote medical specialist texts and magazine articles for an online magazine about health topics. “Since then, I have been interested in medical topics and want to present them to my readers in understandable language. Even complex connections can be explained in a way that everyone understands.”

Manuela Decker

After studying Communication Sciences in Münster, Manuela Decker wrote medical specialist texts and magazine articles for an online magazine about health topics. “Since then, I have been interested in medical topics and want to present them to my readers in understandable language. Even complex connections can be explained in a way that everyone understands.”

Sonja Peters

After completing her degree in Health Communication in Erfurt, Sonja Peters was employed at a health insurance company. However, she found the attitude towards preventive measures and healthcare to be outdated. “I see better opportunities in the field of online communication to promote a healthy attitude and create awareness for the necessity of a healthy … Weiterlesen

Sonja Peters

After completing her degree in Health Communication in Erfurt, Sonja Peters was employed at a health insurance company. However, she found the attitude towards preventive measures and healthcare to be outdated. “I see better opportunities in the field of online communication to promote a healthy attitude and create awareness for the necessity of a healthy … Weiterlesen

Lisa Klein

After completing her psychology studies in Hamburg, Lisa Klein initially worked as a volunteer at a women’s shelter before deciding to pursue a journalism internship. This was followed by a degree in Social and Health Journalism at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. “My interests have always been in the fields of psychology and health. … Weiterlesen