Petra Schneider

Petra Schneider comes from a family of pharmacists, which sparked her interest in the field of health at an early age. After completing her studies in nutrition and dietetics, she gained experience in the food industry, but ultimately felt drawn to medical communication. “The field of health is constantly evolving and I’m passionate about staying … Weiterlesen

Maximilian Berger

After completing his studies in Medicine and training in several hospitals in Germany, Maximilian Berger developed a keen interest in medical journalism, which led him to pursue a career in health communication. “As a medical professional, I have witnessed the importance of effective communication in healthcare, and I am passionate about making medical knowledge accessible … Weiterlesen

Maximilian Berger

After completing his studies in Medicine and training in several hospitals in Germany, Maximilian Berger developed a keen interest in medical journalism, which led him to pursue a career in health communication. “As a medical professional, I have witnessed the importance of effective communication in healthcare, and I am passionate about making medical knowledge accessible … Weiterlesen

Hana Brejchová

After completing her studies in Psychology in Prague, Czech Republic, Hana Brejchová moved to Berlin for love. While working at a family counseling center in Berlin, she discovered her interest in medical information dissemination and counseling. “Health education is something I feel passionately about, and I am thrilled to be able to pursue this path … Weiterlesen

Hana Brejchová

After completing her studies in Psychology in Prague, Czech Republic, Hana Brejchová moved to Berlin for love. While working at a family counseling center in Berlin, she discovered her interest in medical information dissemination and counseling. “Health education is something I feel passionately about, and I am thrilled to be able to pursue this path … Weiterlesen

Alexander Winkler

Alexander Winkler studied Physiotherapy in Vienna, and after graduation, he worked in a private clinic for several years. “As a physiotherapist, I have seen the impact of a lack of health education in patients’ lives. I believe that making medical information accessible to people is a crucial aspect of promoting good health and preventing illness.”

Alexander Winkler

Alexander Winkler studied Physiotherapy in Vienna, and after graduation, he worked in a private clinic for several years. “As a physiotherapist, I have seen the impact of a lack of health education in patients’ lives. I believe that making medical information accessible to people is a crucial aspect of promoting good health and preventing illness.”

Daniela Lang

After finishing her dietitian training in Munich, Daniela Lang, a mother of four, undertook a distance learning course to become a certified nutritionist. Following that, she began working part-time at a hospital. “My passion for health and my desire to align it with my personal family goals led me to the job that I pursue … Weiterlesen

Daniela Lang

After finishing her dietitian training in Munich, Daniela Lang, a mother of four, undertook a distance learning course to become a certified nutritionist. Following that, she began working part-time at a hospital. “My passion for health and my desire to align it with my personal family goals led me to the job that I pursue … Weiterlesen

Der Vitalpilz Auricularia: Wirkung, Einnahme, Dosierung und Nebenwirkungen

Der Auricularia, auch Ohrpilz oder Judasohr genannt, ist ein Vitalpilz, der hauptsächlich in Asien angebaut wird. Er wird seit Jahrhunderten in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin verwendet und gilt als wichtige Quelle für Nährstoffe und mögliche Heilwirkungen. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen genaueren Blick auf den Auricularia und erklären, wie er eingenommen wird, welche Nährstoffe … Weiterlesen