Ali Ayyoub

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 14. März 2023 von Andrea Meurer

Ali Ayyoub comes from a family of doctors. While studying human medicine in Berlin, he works as an online editor on the side. “It is important to me to convey medical knowledge to those who come from other cultures. Working as a medical editor allows me to do this better than working in a medical company.”

Ali Ayyoub

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 18. Februar 2023 von Dr. med. Andrea Weidemann

Ali Ayyoub comes from a family of doctors. While studying human medicine in Berlin, he works as an online editor on the side. “It is important to me to convey medical knowledge to those who come from other cultures. Working as a medical editor allows me to do this better than working in a medical company.”